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Top 8 WordPress Plugins for Creating a Marketplace

by | Aug 30, 2022

Top 8 WordPress Plugins for Creating a Marketplace

The growth of e-commerce has led to an increase in the number of online marketplaces. To establish a prosperous online marketplace, it’s necessary to simplify the process and make it as user-friendly as possible. One effective method to achieve this is by employing a WordPress plugin. This strategy not only saves time and energy in the long run, but it also eliminates the need for intricate programming or technical obstacles that may arise when constructing a marketplace from the ground up. This article will introduce you to the eight best plugins that are perfect for creating an online WordPress marketplace.

What is an Online Marketplace?

An online marketplace is a website that enables you to purchase and sell goods and services. It serves as a virtual gathering spot for buyers and sellers, making it easier for them to locate what they desire. Some of the most renowned online marketplaces are eBay and Amazon. These platforms provide a way for sellers to access a broad audience and present their products and services to consumers who are looking for a hassle-free shopping experience.

Why Use WordPress to Create a Marketplace?

WordPress is a popular and extensively employed platform for creating websites, including online marketplaces. One of the advantages of utilizing WordPress is that it’s free and easy to use, making it accessible to a broad range of users. Furthermore, WordPress is highly customizable, allowing you to personalize it to meet your specific requirements and preferences. With its speedy performance, your users will appreciate a smooth and quick website experience.

Top 8 WordPress plugins for marketplace

WC Vendors Pro

WC Vendors Pro is an ideal solution for vendors who want to effectively handle their online stores. With the Pro Dashboard, vendors can effortlessly access sales reports, add or modify products, and efficiently manage orders. The plugin also features an automated tax calculator, simplifying the process of keeping track of finances for vendors.

WC Vendors Pro WordPress plugin site

WC Vendors Pro minimizes the workload for marketplace administrators and grants vendors complete control over their stores. The front-end vendor dashboard provides all the essential features, such as product and order management, coupon creation, and more. The plugin is scalable, meaning that as your marketplace expands, WC Vendors Pro can keep up.

With support for all product types, such as simple, grouped, downloadable, and variable products, WC Vendors Pro delivers a comprehensive solution for your marketplace. The Pro Shipping Module features two shipping systems: flat rate and country rate, and the eBay-style feedback system allows for vendor ratings. Furthermore, the plugin includes multiple commission types, vendor-only coupons, store branding options, and a social module for integrating social media links.

WC Vendors Pro presents a complete template system for customizing the appearance and atmosphere of your store and dashboard. Whether you’re an administrator or a vendor, WC Vendors Pro is the perfect solution for creating a robust and thriving marketplace.


Dokan is a powerful multi-vendor plugin for WordPress that simplifies the process of building and handling an online marketplace. It works seamlessly with any WooCommerce-compatible theme, granting vendors access to the necessary tools for creating and personalizing their own stores, managing product catalogs, and processing orders and payments.

Dokan WordPress plugin site

With a front-end dashboard, vendors can easily keep track of their sales, discounts, orders, and more. Managers have the ability to set commission rates, select payment channels, and manage vendor selling rights and withdrawal limits, giving them complete authority over their marketplace.

Dokan also features shipping management, email marketing, data security, and SEO optimization, all of which enhance the visibility and success of your marketplace. Additionally, vendors can receive product reviews and broadcast announcements to improve their brand and expand their audience.

For those seeking to add more functionality to their marketplace, Dokan offers various optional modules, such as Vendor Subscription Product, Product Addon, Live Chat, and more. With Dokan, you can develop a prosperous online marketplace that meets your specific business requirements and helps your vendors thrive.

YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor / Marketplace

YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor/Marketplace is a powerful plugin that permits you to convert your e-commerce store into a multi-vendor platform, earning commissions on orders generated by vendors. This plugin enables you to effortlessly create a complex marketplace environment, akin to renowned websites such as AliExpress, Amazon, and Etsy.

YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor / Marketplace WordPress plugin site

The plugin provides an extensive range of features that make managing your multi-vendor store a breeze. You can personalize the vendor registration form, approve or reject vendor applications, and manually add new vendors. Additionally, you can assign vendor permissions and establish vendor commissions.

You can choose to pay vendor commissions manually or integrate with payment gateways like PayPal Payouts, Stripe Connect, or Account Funds. The built-in “Vendor Vacation” module enables vendors to temporarily close their shop and display a notice to inform customers of the reason and the re-opening date.

To enhance the experience for both vendors and customers, the plugin now includes new features. Vendors can now add their own staff members, and customers can report issues with a vendor. The admin can create dynamic messages for display on the vendors’ dashboards using the “Announcements” module. The plugin also features an admin dashboard to track commissions, vendors, and earnings, and integrates with YITH Frontend Manager for WooCommerce to provide a user-friendly vendor’s dashboard.

Customization options for the vendor’s store page include three different layouts and the ability to customize colors, logo size, and header image, among others. The advanced dashboard enables you to monitor your multi-vendor store and identify the top-performing vendors and the most profitable products. With this plugin, you can effortlessly create and manage any type of marketplace.

Product Vendors

Are you looking for ways to diversify your revenue and grow your online business? Product Vendors for WooCommerce allows you to effortlessly transform your WooCommerce store into a thriving multi-vendor marketplace. The plugin enables multiple vendors to sell products through your site, while you earn commissions on sales to cover the costs of managing the platform.

Product Vendors WordPress plugin site

Product Vendors enables you to sell physical, digital, and time-based bookings using the WooCommerce Bookings integration. You can also continue selling your own products and showcase vendor products for sale alongside yours. The plugin also allows you to establish vendor-specific commission rates to encourage new vendors or reward loyal, high-earning ones.

Vendors possess complete control over their public profile, products, and shipping rules. They can add private notes to orders, view sales reports, and sell physical, digital, and time-based bookings. Furthermore, they receive commission payouts through the platform.

As a marketplace owner, you can accept or reject vendor applications, set up vendor admins, manage commission and payout schedules, display vendor ratings, and make payments to vendors instantly, manually, or on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis. With Product Vendors, you can easily develop and manage a prosperous multi-vendor marketplace while reducing your administrative workload.

WCFM Marketplace

WCFM Marketplace is the ultimate solution for creating a multi-vendor marketplace in WordPress. With an extensive range of features, you can effortlessly construct, operate, and expand your online marketplace. One of the most noteworthy features is the store hours and vacation module, ideal for businesses that operate seasonally or with fixed hours.

The coupon management feature enables you to create appealing deals and offers with flexible discount promo codes. Product import and export is made easy, with the capability to import products from and export products to a CSV file directly from the vendor dashboard.

WCFM Marketplace WordPress plugin site

The support ticket inquiry and support ticket system enables buyers to communicate with sellers and make informed purchasing decisions. WCFM Marketplace offers seller subscriptions with both free and paid plans, and accepts recurring fees. Order fulfillment is simplified with store invoices and shipping labels. The geolocation and radius search feature enables users to search for products or services close to their current location. Finally, the shipment and delivery system permits tracking of deliveries and notifications for shipping status changes.

WCFM is a favored, multi-vendor marketplace solution for WordPress, featuring a smooth front-end for vendors and administrators. With over 40 popular integrations, this plugin offers limitless possibilities for customizing your marketplace to suit your specific business needs. Whether you wish to sell subscriptions, provide wholesale options, accept bookings, or rent out space, WCFM Marketplace has got you covered.

In addition, WCFM Marketplace provides friendly support that prioritizes solving customer issues as quickly as possible. And with support for over 100 payment gateways, you can select the options that work best for your customers.


MultiVendorX is a widely praised multivendor marketplace plugin for WordPress. It is powered by WooCommerce, allowing you to construct a multivendor marketplace that is compatible with most WooCommerce payment gateways. With MultiVendorX, you can establish a website like Amazon, Etsy, Airbnb, or any other type of marketplace you desire.

WC Marketplace WordPress plugin site

The plugin offers a selection of features to help you establish and manage your online marketplace. These features comprise of a free software that does not require coding, regular security updates, a supportive team, 40+ popular integrations, and hundreds of payment gateways.

MultiVendorX provides a range of marketplace-friendly tools to help you operate any type of marketplace. These tools consist of a straightforward setup wizard and an uncomplicated application process. Additionally, it provides a personalized dashboard, adjustable commission plans, product management tools, and a built-in order manager. The refund manager, coupon creation, multiple payment methods, flexible shipping, and customer support tools are also available.

Moreover, MultiVendorX Pro is equipped with advanced features such as a customizable vendor shop, and advanced product features. Other advanced features include a customizable membership plan, advanced product catalog, advanced analytics, and store inventory. Additionally, business hours and vacation, invoice and packaging slip, and staff manager are also supported. With these features, you can effortlessly establish a successful online marketplace and expand your business to new heights.

Mercado Pro

Mercado is the next generation of a powerful plugin designed to turn your WooCommerce website into a multi-vendor marketplace. It offers an end-to-end solution to enhance your online shopping experience. Thus, making it easier for you to sell products in different categories under one roof. With this plugin, you can build a marketplace in minutes, whether you are a web developer or a novice seller.

Mercado Pro WordPress plugin site

It is a secure platform with robust double encryption technology, making it safe and trustworthy for all users. The plugin is highly customizable, allowing you to change the look and feel of your online store to best suit your target audience. The plugin supports all standard payment gateways available on WooCommerce, including PayPal, Stripe, Amazon Pay, and PayFast, among others.

It offers a user-friendly dashboard for each seller with control over their account, sales, products, and activities. Additionally, it supports account sign-up and log-in using all major social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, Google, and LinkedIn. Mercado is fully compatible with WPML integration, making it possible for users to view the site contents in any of the WordPress supported languages.

For the administrator, the plugin offers an authoritarian admin dashboard with dynamic and advanced technology. The admin dashboard provides a detailed overview of all the activities in the marketplace, including products, orders, shipping, and more. The administrator can set global commissions or separate commissions for each seller to increase earnings.

The admin can manage taxes, shipping methods, track vendor records, assign products, and set withdrawal time limits. For the vendors, the plugin offers light and dark themes and the ability to create products. Vendors also can manage and view orders, generate coupons, and manage reviews.


Enhance your e-commerce website and boost your affiliate business with VendorPro. This best-in-class plugin is the only one designed specifically for this purpose. It has advanced features like inviting multiple sellers, granting affiliate rights, earning commission from sales, and integrating secure payment through PayPal.

VendorPro WordPress plugin site

Not only can you add multiple vendors, but you can also share profits with them. Set a base commission rate and adjust it later, monitor commissions and outstanding dues with a dedicated tab. Vendors can apply through a comprehensive form and you, as the admin, have control over the rights granted.

VendorPro provides advanced functionalities like an integrated PayPal processor, the ability to change commission rates, and shortcodes. Customize order status emails, enable cart restrictions, grant vendor privileges, calculate commission rates based on order status, and analyze growth with exportable reports. The plugin requires only a few clicks to integrate and eliminate manual labor. With VendorPro, expect an increase in visitors to your e-commerce website.


WordPress is an amazing platform that can be used to create a variety of online marketplaces. The WordPress eCommerce plugin makes it easy to add all the features you need to manage your marketplace, from product listings to payment processing. If you’re ready to get started building your own online marketplace, this guide has shown you the top 8 WordPress plugins for creating a marketplace.



I’m a WordPress plugins developer. I spend my whole day, practically every day, experimenting with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP. I build awesome WordPress plugins.


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